Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Own Photo Critique

When i decided to edit this picture i really decided to change every single original color a lot. I usa the Hue Saturation and the Selective Color. The color of the sky looks kind of unreal but i think that is the reason why this picture turned out well. The fact that there's not the same amount of snow on the ground makes the picture real and active.

I think this picture is a good one not just because it's good shot and object but i really like the way i edit it. I love the contrast between the sky and the red/orange roof and also i like how thre's a cloud just in one side of the picture and it just stops right before the tower. I love also the simmetry and the reflex on the little green lake. If i would compare this picture to how it was before my edit i think i had done a really good job.

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