Monday, March 22, 2010

Greeting Card

Cover: Is it morning already?

Inside: whatever is the question..SLEEP is the answer!
Have a good day!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Own Photo Critique

When i decided to edit this picture i really decided to change every single original color a lot. I usa the Hue Saturation and the Selective Color. The color of the sky looks kind of unreal but i think that is the reason why this picture turned out well. The fact that there's not the same amount of snow on the ground makes the picture real and active.

I think this picture is a good one not just because it's good shot and object but i really like the way i edit it. I love the contrast between the sky and the red/orange roof and also i like how thre's a cloud just in one side of the picture and it just stops right before the tower. I love also the simmetry and the reflex on the little green lake. If i would compare this picture to how it was before my edit i think i had done a really good job.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Article Review 2

Food for Thought. By Laurence Chen

Food could be a beautiful subject for your pictures, the best your picture is gonna be the most you would like to eat it!
This article offers you tips for mouth-watering results:
1.Have a theme. Food fotography is just as seasonal as food itself; when you wanna to present a picture you have to consider sesaon-specific colors, textures, ingredientsand utensils. For example summer is considered as tomato season.
2.Bring options. It doesn't matter if your subject is food, you still gotta plan your shot with art and creativity bringing accessories to your subject to make it look better.
3.Keep it simple. The more complicated you set, the more things can go wrong.
4.Backlight glass. If there's a glass in your picture a good advice is to keep a white and clean background that will help illuminate the glass without direct lighting.
5.Mix light. Mixing flash and ambient light will make your picture look better. You can set it directly in your camera.
6.Set white balance later. Using a daylight-balanced flash, you'll be able to adjust your balance and make it warmer, cooler or neutral; it depends on the theme of the job.
7.Avoid fakery. Some photograpers uses a little oil on meats to keep them looking fresh but it is preferly to shoot straight from hte kitchen.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Picture Poem

Basketball's my favorite sport.
I dribble up and down the court.
The ball goes bouncing off my toes
and beans the teacher on the nose.

He stumbles back and grabs his nose
and hits the wall and down he goes.
The other players stop and stare.
They've never heard the teacher swear.

With no one playing anymore.
I grab the ball. I shoot. I score.
I love this game! It's so much fun.
The teacher cried, but, hey--we won.

Kenn Nesbitt

Music comes to life
When life is boring
Music can tell a story
That sounds like its for me
Music can torture me
With old memories
Music can love me
When theres no love for me
Music can save me
When I am lost
Music can cure me
When I almost pay the final cost
Music can yell at me
Which keeps me awake
Music can speak softly
When I need a moment away
Music can teach me
That this world isnt just hate
my favorite place

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

2 picture poem

All I want is freedom
Is that too much to ask
All I want is freedom
To forget everything in my past
All I want is freedom
To take away all the tears and the pain
All I want is freedom
To never feel that way again
All I want is freedom
To love you my own way
All I want is freedom
To make all my fears go away
All I want is freedom
To say “I love you”
All I want is freedom
To hear you say “I love you too”

I chose this picture because i think it well represents the idea of freedom: this woman standing in a boat with the air coming through her hair. I think it's a good combination.

I love her glowing teeth,
I love her big blue eyes,
BUt there's something that i've just found out,
she's an alien in disguise!

I chose this picture because the poem is a description of a girl with big blue eyes and i think this picture represents the poem.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Photo critique

Rainbow Picture:

I think this picture it's a little too dark, i don't really like the color of the sky i probably would try to fix it in Photoshop, selecting Cyan color and try to make it brighter. After that i would change the color of the rainbow and make them more brighter because it seems that is greyish, not like a rainbow is supposed to look like..Colorful and bright!
I would start editing the levels, not just because it's my favorite part, but also because you can really see the difference in the majority of the picture just adjusting the levels. I would get the edge of the picture darker, especially the bottom right. I would increse the contrast and the brightness. Using the selective color tool i would make the cliff and the rocks more red/orange.
The sea is also a little to much grey so i would make it more blueish.
I like about this picture the background and the subject(where the shot it), i like how the photographer catch the rainbow and it is exactely in the middle of the picture and i like also the rocks in the middle of the sea. It's not that easy to find rocks in the middle of the sea so he/she found a really great spot to take the shot!

              I love this picture because there's a nice peak of action and it's kind of a good luck timing picture. Fortunately his head didn't break the horizon because if that had happened i think the picture would have been really different.
            1. I like the contrast between the silhouetted surfer and his board and the color of the sky and the sea. I think the sunset it's a perfect time to take a picture because i love the color of the sky but also you gotta to consider that it's probably the hardest time too because the light changes really fast.

            Wednesday, March 3, 2010