Thursday, February 25, 2010

Reading assignment 1

Best techniques for digital exposure.
A correct exposure in your pictures is a rellay important element; in fact if you overexpose a slide the highlights are gone irretrievably and if you underexpose a slide the image will be murky with no true black tone. No matter these problems there is a common attitute among digital photographers, they think they would be able to fix everything in Photoshop but after years they have learned that using Photoshop the image is not look as good as another one that you took properly exposed.

There are a number of tools to help you get it:
  • Metering Modes - some cameras provide this tool including a multi-segment one (wide range ofexposure situation).
  • Spot Metering - it produces the most accurate exposure at all.
  • Handheld Meters - usually are used outdoor and are able to measure the brightness of subjects.
  • Bracketing Exposures - making one shot at the exposure you think is right, then additional shots giving more and less exposure.
  • Exposure Compensation - you can override the metered exposure with this tool. It is useful when you encounter and exposure situation you've previously found to be problematic.

Formal Balance

Angle straight

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Texture-18 Pictures





Straight angle.

Down angle.

Up angle.


Low key.

High key.

Formal balance.

Informal Balance.




Leading line.

Friday, February 5, 2010

12 Pictures

I chose this picture because represents two objects close to each other (bowls). I like also the contrast between the colors.


I chose this picture because it is a simple arrangement on my living room's wall. There are 2 paintings on each side and in the middle there is a bigger object. It is a repetitive arrangement.

Breaking the rules.

I chose this picture because it's all unfocused and blurry. There's no right colors or shadows.

Radial Symmetry.

I chose this picture of a really colorful hat as my radial symmerty. It represents properly radial symmetry because parts are arranged symmetrically around a central axis.

Rule of thirds.

I chose this picture because your attention is focused on the top of the church that is occupying 2\3 of the picture.

Axial Symmetry.

I chose this picture because there is an object around an axis, the long white tube.

Filling the frame.

I chose this picture because it's like a portrait and all the picture is occupied by one object.

Interesting Aesthetic.

I like this picture because i think the reflex on the water of the building is just amazing and also the symmetry of the bottm part of the building.

Back, Mid & Forebackground.

I chose this picture because your attention is not just focused on the center of the picture but the sky also capture your attention.


This is a simple example of overlapping, these are my dog's pillows and i like how they are close to each other.


This is a vision of houses all around eachother and there is plenty of triangles on the roof and in the dehor bar on the bottom right.

Focal Point.

I chose this picture because applaying a black\white backgruond the attention is all focused on the people.

Monday, February 1, 2010