Thursday, April 22, 2010

Article Review


Sharpening in RAW
it's the best thing to use to sharpen in Photoshop.

3 easy step to sharpen picture in Photoshop

Step 1. Click on the Detail tab, then to hardness the full power of sharpening, zoom in to 100% or more.

Step 2. The Alt key on a PC. Hold it down when you move the Amount slider to hide the color and see what happens to your luminance data as it gets sharpened.

Step 3. As with Photoshop's Smart Sharpen. Hold down ALT to see the effect in action or to see what happens when you move the new Detail slider left to prevent haloes.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Black & White: Method 6

Black & White: Method 5

3 Photoshop Actions

I decided to change fisrt of all the skies in this picture and using the Selective Color i made the skies brighter and more blue. I like this picture but i think it kind of look fake after i edited especially the color of the skies and the mountains too. But i still like it because it's really colorful and active!

Thursday, April 15, 2010


The Big 5.

Photographers reveal the five world-renowed:
  1. Grand Canyon, David Muench
    Most supresing and stunning landscape. The landscape is large and vast and sometimes it could be hard to imcosporate everything in one single shot, a 4x5 Linhof IV large-format camera will help you.
  2. Yosemite, William Neill
    One of the best part about the Yosemite part is to have the possibility to see the seasons change. In order to succed you need a strong composition with a great light and the shot!If you can stay away from usual locations and you're picture will be just amazing and different.
  3. Great Smokies, Bill Campbell
    Its landscape express beauty and tranquillity by its vernal rains and gentle falls or simply the rebirth of the forest, have the possibility to picture peak blooming is what affascinate people and photographers all over the world.
  4. Yellowstone, Michael H. Francis
    It's hard to come up with just one favorite photographic subject about this park but its wildlife one of the best part. Its wildlife is basically composed by lots of animals not common ones like bears and that's why everything is so fascinating.
  5. Acadia, Jerry Monkman
    The best part of this park is its unique combination of rugged coastal headlands, pink-granite mountains and boreal forests. Photographs recommend to get up early and just admire the sunrise or the sunset at the end of the day.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Ansel Adams - Black and white picture

I like this picture because fisrt of all i'm a big fun of the technique called "Silhouette", i think it's really hard to end up with a good shot when the sun is reflecting in the picture. I also like the composition: how this church tower is in the middle of the picture and flowers and branches are all around it and also how the clouds fit the picture perfectly. It was a good decision to take this picture in black and white because of all the different colors and the light.