Thursday, June 3, 2010

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Portraits Review

When i first saw this picture my eyes were captured by the fact that this is a collage and it kind of looks like these two pictures are telling you a story. The one on the left is clear and in focus, the other one is just the opposite: blurry and unfocus. In the fisrt one the couple is looking at eachothers eye and that transmits more emotion than the secod one when she's looking down. I think that it was a good idea that both subject were wearing the same color (scarf & t-shirt) that helps you not to focuse more on one subject than the other. I also really like the fact that it was raining, it seems that the picture is more active and natural, like they're doing something normal that they always do togehter.

This is a completely different portrait compared to the other three that i posted before. The angle is the biggest difference: up angle from the back of the subject. One of the things that i noticed at first were the flowers and the contrast between the grass and the girl. Like in the other pictures the lower part of her body is blurred and that lets your eyes to focused on her face more than evrything else. I also noticed that her make up (eye shadow) matches her dress and that is a hind that this picture is professional and not a snap shot. Another sign that tells you that this picture is professional is the printed name on the picture itself (Ritrato Photography).

The first thing i noticed looking at this picture are the eyes. They capture your attention because of their bright color and also because the rest of the picture is blurry, just his face is on focus. That's one of the thing that i like the most about picture, they look really professional and i would use it on portraits that i will take. Even is his face is perpendicular to the camera i still like this picture because it's a really close out, there's basically not background and his face is not in the middle of the picture but on the side.

Your attention is focused to the woman's face and i personally noticed the back of her dress and her hearings. This is not a snap shot, it looks professional especially her pose, her hands, and also since the background is white i think that it tells you also that this picture is professional.
One thing that i also like about this picture are her hands, her nails are perfectly done and this gives more style and professionality to the picture. I also like the fact that her face is not perpendicular to the camera but you can just see her profile, and i personally like it a lot so i think i will use it in future portraits.

The first thing i saw when i saw this picture were the colors of the clothes, really bright and colorful. But the thing i like the best is the angle of the picture, she's looking at the camera but her face is not direct to the camera. This image look professional because of the background that is blurry. I think it is a great shot because it look natural and good at the same time, the girl is smiling and it seems she's enjoying it too so she's not forced to pose.

DOF Picture 2

Friday, May 7, 2010